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How PC gaming saved me from starving

How PC gaming saved me from starving

When he was 14 years old, a friend appeared in my place with his hard drive in his hand. He wanted to show me his games, a CD-ROM was not enough, and it was a moment before the external hard drives. Take your HD around was your solution to your problem.

He made me want to take my hard drive as him, it seemed so practical in my head. He taught me how to join and dismantle a computer, how to configure my HD as a secondary unit, and many other things.

Months later, someone from my mother’s church needed help to gather a computer in his office.

He was not sure who to ask for help, so a neighbor told him to talk to “Nerdy Kid” from the street. It was the first time someone hired me for something I learned due to games. Fortunately, it would not be the last one, some opportunities appeared when I needed them more.

PC Gaming and my new life

After four years studying international relations, I learned to politics, it was not for me, limiting my work options to be an international trade analyst. Although something like this may seemed, it was not a highly technical job. He demanded good English, but not four years of university. It was an office job to kill soul that paid not much more than a minimum wage. Even teaching English was better than that.

That situation made me look for jobs in English schools, and finally got one. Everything was fine until the high school management replaced me with someone cheaper.

He has just signed a two-year rental contract. The English school promised my job security, but it was not long to throw me away. My savings were enough for a month to eat once a day. Desperate, sending copies of my curriculum to hundreds of companies and is willing to accept anything, I came across the independent world.

Content writing

Job Hunting took me to a website that promised concerts. He helped me find a job here and there. Specialists usually do better than generalists in the corporate game. However, the independent world rewards the Jacks of all the trades, at least for a while.

Some people needed translators, others needed music for their videos, and a Geek website hired me to write about games. The payment was low, but I was impressed that someone will pay for my thoughts about Hardware, PC games and Geek Culture.

Unfortunately, freelance centers are usually a race towards the bottom. More often than not, it’s just a matter of time until someone new accepts offers for less money. Not having any specialization got me some money at first, but it also made me replace easily. To make worse, I was not aware of any good website to find work.

Game support

There was not a single penny in my wallet when this Facebook post was presented on my timeline. A company was looking for agents to support the game. Although it was not a glamorous work, it could not be demanding. Form, the fact that they paid in dollars made the payment check more than double what I used to win as a teacher.

There were evidence of grammar, tests of pattern recognition, knowledge tests and, finally, an interview. I do not know many PC players whose first instinct goes to customer service when a game does not work, which should be the reason why most people who hired were PC players.

The company wanted agents who could find out why a game does not work. They also needed the agents to find a solution by themselves. Something that came naturally became a valuable skill. I also got me the greatest paycheck I received to that date. I stopped eating once a day to ask for food comfortably, pay my bills and buy video games from time to time.

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