A large study, who will continue to look into this problem for the next two years, reported that there were no serious health consequences related to getting the MRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Conclusions are based on data analysis of more than 6 million patients receiving the MRNA Covid-19 vaccine, with researchers calling the ‘convincing data.’
This study came from researchers with Permanente Kaiser and control centers and prevention of disease. Although research will continue for two more years, researchers have published their findings so far, reporting that health data analysis at 6.2 million people who are vaccinated do not disclose serious health effects from vaccines.
This study specifically focuses on MRNA vaccines, drawing data from patient records from the area where Kaiser Permanente operates. This finding is based on data from December 2020 to 26 June 2021; The initial findings must help convince individuals who hesitate vaccines that have become afraid of vaccines because of the wrong mass information.
The researchers focus on 23 possible health effects that can occur after vaccination, including things like seizures, cardiovascular problems, Bell’s palsy, multicycle inflammation syndrome, and more. The researchers were also cautious about, among others, noticed whether this health problem began before or after the patient received their Covid-19 vaccine.
The work involves setting a ‘signal’ threshold and, using statistical analysis, determining whether there is a health incidence that exceeds. There is no possibility of health consequences that reach the threshold. The researchers detailed the incidents of pericarditis and myocarditis who were confirmed to young people, recorded 34 cases involving patients aged 12 to 39 years.
Based on data, the researchers reported that there was a risk of 6.3 cases of new myocarditis for every million doses of vaccines in the first week after vaccination. The study noted that the risk of a person affected by myocarditis from Covid-19 is far greater than the risk of the vaccine that protects against it.