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Lyft vows to cover drivers’ legal fees if sued under Texas abortion law

Lyft vows to cover drivers’ legal fees if sued under Texas abortion law

Lyft sharing services have announced the creation of new driver legal defenders, which are intended for drivers who might find themselves facing a lawsuit under the law of Texas abortion that has just been applied. The company vowed to cover all the driver’s legal fees if they found themselves in this unfavorable position.

The problem revolves around Texas Dearbeat Act, a new law that comes into force in 1. September Under this law, the abortion is prohibited so that the fetal heartbeat is detected, something that usually occurs about six weeks into pregnancy. Draconian Law Uniquely oppressed because it not only prohibits most of the abortion, but also searches for tips from private citizens who are financially given incentives to report alleged violations of law.

In addition, anyone who helps someone by making an abortion under the heartbeat law can also be sued for $ 10,000 or more. The broad nature of the bill means that even individuals do not realize that they may be ‘facilitating’ procedures, such as taxi drivers, can end at the end of the recipient of the lawsuit.

Laws that specifically allow for “anyone” to “demand anyone who helps or discussed this illegal abortion.” The Texas Group The right to live has launched a website that allows anyone to submit tips on alleged abortion and / or people who may have helped facilitate them, including those who may not consciously help transport individuals accused of abortion facilities.

Lyft Co-Founder and CEO Logan Green discussed this issue in recent tweets, announcing Lyft Dew Legal Defense drivers, also mentioned the bill “attacks on women’s access to health care and on their right to choose.” Green asked other companies to join them in offering driver protection from potential lawsuits under the bill.

Shortly after the publication, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowahahi picked Green’s message, announcing that Uber, it would also cover the legal fees of the driver if they were sued under abortion law.

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