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iPhone 13 A15 Bionic GPU surpasses Exynos 2200 even when throttled

iPhone 13 A15 Bionic GPU surpasses Exynos 2200 even when throttled

There are some interests and maybe even excitement in what will be brought by the Exynos 2200 to the mobile market with the Tech Graphics MrDna-powered AMD. There are, not surprisingly, the comparison between Samsung-on-on-chip systems that will come and A14 Bionic at this time. While the numbers look promising, it doesn’t really paint an accurate picture considering what you will actually run iPhone 13. Based on some benchmarks, the Apple A15 graph can run a circle around Exynos 2200, at least until scattered.

According to the Korean forum posts seen by @Frontron, Apple A15 Bionic scored a solid goal from 198 FPS in the Benchmark GFXBench Manhattan 3.1 benchmark test. It was a big leap of Apple A14, which could not push 120 fps past the same test suite. It does not say well for Exynos 2200, which only scored 170.7 fps at the highest.

That said, everything wasn’t that simple as far as the performance was running. Run the second test revealed that Apple A15 was significantly summarized, perhaps for thermal management. Scores drop to around 140 to 150 fps, which are still far higher than what Apple A14 can do.

Unfortunately for Samsung, the numbers do not read well for the coming Exynos 2200. When printed, the AMD-powered GPU almost passed 120 FPS, taking it to a bionic level of up to 2020 A14. With or without inhibitors, this initial benchmark shows that Apple A15 will still come out at the top of graphic performance.

Of course, these numbers do not paint a complete picture that will also take into account power efficiency, among others. Maybe there are also some worries about throttling if kicking too often too fast, especially after several games. Whatever, these numbers still look promising, and iPhone fans don’t need to worry that the next Samsung or Qualcomm chip will defeat the iPhone 13 in the department.

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