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Apple loses automotive executive Doug Field to Ford

Apple loses automotive executive Doug Field to Ford

Add another wrinkle to Apple oft-Rumored efforts to build your own electric vehicle. On Tuesday, Ford announced the rent of Doug Field. The former Tesla Executive, known for the participation of him in the development of Model 3, recently held the position of Vice President of Special Projects in Apple. It is believed that the Titan field supervision project.

In its new position of the Advanced Director of Technology and Integrated Systems, the Field will inform the Ford CEO and President Jim Farley. He will supervise the Integrated Ford Software and Hardware Division, which will see it in the development of leaders in the Blue Oval Intelligence Stack of the Automobile Manufacturer. It is expected that he has an opinion at all, from the controls of vehicles to the functions of business connectivity and controller assistance technology. For the field, this is something of a return to where everything started. He began his race in Ford in 1987.

What is not clear is what this means for Apple’s automotive ambitions. Bloomberg Reporter and Apple Insider Mark Gurman says it’s bad news for the company. “This is probably the greatest recoil in a history full of setbacks for the Apple car project,” he tuned him. “As I wrote in January, there is no Apple car launch at any time, not 2024, not 2025. Later, if ever”. Apple has executives who could take on the field paper. For example, the company recently hired Ulrich Kranz, a former BMW executive who directed the development of I3. Anyway, it is never a good sign when a high profile executive leaves a company.

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