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Galaxy Note 9 moves to quarterly updates, Galaxy Note FE reaches the end

Galaxy Note 9 moves to quarterly updates, Galaxy Note FE reaches the end

Once upon a time, Samsung seems to have short-term memory problems that make it easily forget a one year old smartphone. At present, the largest smartphone maker in the world has been praised even to defeat Google in years of support that promises to call. The change was applied not only on the latest models, but even the older ones also benefited. Unfortunately, all the good things must end, as they say, and Samsung bid a goodbye to the Galaxy Note Fe because it is also a “demotes” Galaxy Note 9 to quarterly maintenance.

Galaxy Note Fe has started interesting. It was intended to “replace” Galaxy Note 7 which exploded left and right in 2016. In the Spirit, it was still the Galaxy Note 7, only with a fixed battery design. It sees moderate success even though consumers are careful, but now it’s time to rest, at least as far as software updates go.

Launched in 2017, the Galaxy Note Fe saw the two main android updates ending on the Android 9.0 pie. After four years of security updates, the Samsung software support page that was updated finally dropped the Galaxy Note Fe completely, ending its support. The owner must live without security updates or may improve to something newer.

However, the replacement will continue to receive updates for the coming months, even at a slower speed. Galaxy Note 9 is now joining the Galaxy Note 8 in receiving quarterly updates after three years of monthly support. Launched in 2019, the Galaxy Note 9 might be remembered as a last line to have a 3.5mm headphone jack, a microSD card slot, and no pieces of holes.

The Galaxy Z family gets some action on the page, with the latest 3 folding Galaxy Z and Galaxy Z Flip 3 added to the monthly list. Both are guaranteed to get three years of Android upgrades, which may or cannot be translated into three Android versions, as well as four years of security updates that will change from each month to quarterly to two years before finally reaching the end of their lives.

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