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Latest 'Call of Duty: Vanguard' trailer offers a first look at multiplayer

Latest ‘Call of Duty: Vanguard’ trailer offers a first look at multiplayer

With the avant-garde, the Call of Duty Franchise of Activision returns to the Second World War for the first time since the Second World War 2017. We already had the opportunity to assume the new plans of Sledgehammer Leader Sledgehammer Sledgehammer plans to count, but we have only seen Some flashes of the multiplayer title offering outside of Champion Hill mode. That changed on Tuesday when the study transmits a multiplayer of almost 30 minutes in depth and shared a new trailer.

The vanguard seems to attract new players to the series with a feature called combat rhythm that allows you to decide which grabs you want the parties to occur. Three filters: tactics, assaulted and blitz: Determine the number of players in a match. Tactical, for example, limits things for a 12-person match, while in Blitz there may be up to 24 players on each team.

Vanguard also introduces a new game mode called patrol. It is a new tapage that sees a capture area, moves slowly by the map. It is united by the classics as the death team, they kill confirmed, domination and search and destroy. The return of the previous titles of Call of Duty is ARMERO. It is a feature that allows you to customize your weapons with several accessories.

If you want to see more of Call of Duty: the cutting-edge multiplayer before the game comes out on November 5, the multiplayer beta of the game begins later this week. He provided him with advance Vanguard in PlayStation, you can see what is new before any other person. The beta will open all the users of PLAYSTATION on September 16. That same day, those who ordered the game for Xbox and PC can also see what is offered. For all others, the beta opens on September 18 and extends up to 20.

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