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Netflix will release an interactive WWE horror movie for Halloween

Netflix will release an interactive WWE horror movie for Halloween

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has collaborated with Netflix to release interactive horror films based on undertaker, the professional name used by retired wrestler Mark Calaway. Like bandersnatch and a handful of children show, escaping from undertaker will allow viewers to decide how the film ends.

Netflix teases the show in a post about future horror content for Halloween holidays, only records the title, October 5 release date, and some screens’ catches from the film. We don’t have a trailer for interactive films, which will let viewers participate in the story by choosing how the plot continues.

Even though the company did not have anything else to say about the upcoming title, the bleeding entertainment horror website reported that Xavier Woods, Big E, and Kofi Kingston (new day wrestling team) would starred in the film next to the management.

The film will revolve around the new team when they are trapped in the administrator’s house – there are, it turns out, it is very haunted and “packed with full of supernatural challenges.” Because this is an interactive film, viewers will be assigned to choose how the trio approaches these challenges

It is not clear now how much the final possibility will have the film and whether there are among those who will lead to the wrestling team that really runs away from a big house. However, this has the potential to become one of the most interesting horror film titles in the genre history because of its interactive nature.

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