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WhatsApp Last Seen status can soon be hidden from specific contacts

WhatsApp Last Seen status can soon be hidden from specific contacts

Instant messaging services introduce ideas online status, allowing users to find out whether the intended recipient is even there to read their message. It finally evolved into “last visible” information that gave some insight into others to the private part of your life. Most messaging services only allow you to turn on or off the last visibility, but WhatsApp might consider how to give users better control over who can see it and who can’t.

For years now, WhatsApp allows users to control who can see their last status but in a more general way. Along with profiles and information, users can only choose between allowing everyone to see their last status, allowing no one to see it, or just let contact see information. There is no space for anything, but Wabetainfo has seen instructions about that change in the near future.

According to the site, WhatsApp will have the option “my contact except …” In addition to three old choices. This feature seems easy and allows you to have a kind of black list between your contacts. Everyone in the contact list You will be able to see your last status except what you add to this list.

This can be useful at times when you want to “hide” from certain contacts but not from others. Of course, this option still works like the others, and you will not be able to see the status of the last person you choose to hide your own status. Apparently, this new privacy feature will also be available to control the visibility of profile photos and BIOS.

The screens above are taken from WhatsApp on iOS, but there is little reason to believe it will not be available on Android too. At present, however, there are still no clues when this feature will be launched because it is reportedly still under development.

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