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WhatsApp is making an important change to privacy settings

WhatsApp is making an important change to privacy settings

WhatsApp works to introduce a new option that will give users a greater control over that is able to see if they are online or not. In an update of the confidentiality settings for Android and iOS versions of its application, WhatsApp tests new visibility options.

For the moment, there are three options for online visibility. It is possible to display when you were “seen for the last time” to everyone, my contacts or anyone. But the latest beta version of the application shows that it will change.

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WabetaineFo has spotted new privacy settings for the visibility of “latest data” data that notifies people from the moment you have been online. The new options offer a much higher check-up check, providing users with the final visibility control.

More specifically, there is the new ability to share details “Last SUV” with my contact except. This gives WhatsApp users a way to create a black list of contacts that are not able to see when they have been online, while continuing to share this information will be all other contacts.


But that does not end there. In addition to the latest data information, the same options can be applied to your profile picture and information about the details. In short, WhatsApp helps to hide potentially revealing data from a limited subset of your contacts without the need to go as far as blocking everyone to see this information.

It is difficult to say that when these new options go to the main branch of the version of the WhatsApp application, and for the moment, it remains something that can be appreciated first by beta testers.

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On the face, it might seem like a minor change, but it is important to consider people now use WhatsApp to connect with friends, family and work colleagues. It is logical to treat different types of contact differently, which is precisely what is made possible.

WhatsApp’s association with Facebook has been a long time since people are worried about what it could mean for privacy. Conversely, the long-standing commitment to the application to the use of the end of encryption has comforted those who are worried about safety and have helped to calm the fears of those with confidentiality problems.

With these last chances, WhatsApp more demonstrates its commitment to privacy, which benefits the entire user.

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