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Department of Energy has $25m to tackle plastic recycling’s biggest problem

Department of Energy has $25m to tackle plastic recycling’s biggest problem

The US Department of Energy (DoE) has allocated $ 25 million to overcome some of the biggest problems with plastic recycling. Agency has chosen 10 research projects that involve placing plastic waste to use well as funding recipients, explaining that it aims to not only reduce plastic waste, but also recycling this waste product to “valuable products.”

Existing plastic recycling efforts have been criticized for less beneficial; Although some plastic can be recycled, the products produced are usually of low quality, which means that in the end plastic can no longer be used effectively. This, combined with many companies and consumers who fail to recycle, have produced a large number of plastic waste.

According to DOE, less than 15 percent of new plastics ended recycled, with the rest landing in the ocean, landfills, or burned in incinerators. It not only contributes to waste problems, but also makes it more expensive to produce new plastic materials. The department will use $ 25 million to fund research into ‘upcycling’ plastic waste.

An example of upcycling will change a piece of used plastic back to its original form rather than being a lower plastic product that is not suitable for the original application. Likewise, the plastic upcycling program can change plastic waste into new plastic materials that can very be used for other applications.

In addition, research projects will be seen making a plastic recycling process more energy efficient, reducing the number of fossil fuels used to burn waste and produce new materials. 10 selected research projects come from various national laboratories, universities, and other similar entities.

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