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Eating avocado has a surprising effect on belly fat, but only in women

Eating avocado has a surprising effect on belly fat, but only in women

A newly published study revealed that avocado might be more than just a delicious treat on a piece of toast. The researchers found that eating avocados every day triggered redistribution on abdominal fat which reduced the risk of certain metabolic diseases such as type-2 diabetes. The catch? Favorable changes are only observed in female participants.

Studies, which originated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, involved 105 overweight adults and obesity assigned to two groups. One group of participants was given food which included avocados for dinner; Other groups are fed very similar, but without avocados.

The participants consumed each dinner for 12 weeks, after that researching the researchers compared the distribution of their abdominal fat with measurements taken before the specific diet began. Although non-avocado groups did not change, the group was given avocados every day for dinner to experience a useful redistribution of stomach fat.

Changes, which involve visceral fat ratios versus subcutaneous fat shifts that support subcutaneous fat, are only observed in female participants. Men who participated in this study did not experience the same reduction in visceral fat, which accumulated around organs and was associated with a large increase in various risks of disease.

Avocado daily has no impact on glucose tolerance in one of the participants. Whatever, findings show that avocados might be a simple way for people to reduce the risks associated with visceral fat, especially women.

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