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iPhone 13 launch: every product we expect to see from Apple

iPhone 13 launch: every product we expect to see from Apple

Since we had not heard about any significant delay at the launch of the iPhone 13, we assume that it would come out in September, the usual window to reveal the vecher’s iPhones. A rumor has linked the date of advertisement to September 14, what makes sense, but what products we expect to see from Apple along with the iPhone 13?

If the last few years are something to happen, we hope that a full range of iPhones take the center of attention for the Apple Year event, with some other complementary products. These could be real devices such as Apple watches or new services, and while we hope everything is displayed in a single event, it is always possible that Apple will divide it into two.

Due to the impact of Covid in the production and supply lines, the iphone 12 last year was not introduced during the September event of Apple, instead, we saw the new iPad, the iPad Air 4, the Apple Watch 6 and the Apple Watch debut, along with the revealing Apple One package for Apple’s subscription services. The iPhone 12 and his brothers were revealed at the October event of Apple, as well as Apple Homepod Mini for a good measure.

While we do not expect Apple to do the same with the iPhone 13, the two events of last year included a great list of revealed devices. Here is every product that we hope to see in Apple revealed in the launch of the iPhone 13.

iPhone 13.

Okay, this is obvious, but it is worth noting that we expect a similar alignment of iPhone 13 of four telephones as we saw in the range of iphone 12 last year. That means two low-end models: the standard iPhone 13 and the smallest iPhone 13 mini, as well as the Premium iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 Pro Max. There is always a possibility that the range will follow an iPhone 12S name convention, but we have not listened to the rumors that suggest it.

We do not expect the iphone 13 range to improve a lot in your predecessors, and it is likely to be the same size with almost the same cameras, although we have heard rumors that the notch is smaller, screens can increase 120Hz update rates (On all models or perhaps only pro-pricieres) and have some function form always depending on, and internal battery improvements.

Apple Watch 7.

The Apple Watch 7 is highly rumored to launch next to the iPhone 13, although there are other rumors that suggest that it could be delayed due to production problems. The good news (if you want to call it “good”): these delays are due to the design difference.

Yes, Apple 7 clock is rumored so you have a different look, which will be the first visual redesign in the history of the portable line. The next portable Apple can follow the iPhone 12 to have flat sides and even expand the sizes at 41 mm and 45 mm (above 40 mm and 44 mm), with a larger screen of 1.9 inches. It is also rumored that it gets a glucometer to track blood sugar, although others argue that the benefits will not arrive this year.

iPad Mini 6.

Finally, a new Mini iPad arrives: Rumors suggest that the iPad mini 6 is throwing along with the iPhone 13, which happens on the last mini 5 iPad that came out in 2019.

Rumors suggest that the Mini 6 iPad will leave your home button in favor of a fingerprint sensor incorporated in the lock button (just like the iPad air before), obtain a USB-C port, Smart connectors to attach keyboards and other peripherals, and may or may not go to a mini LED screen. But rumors also suggest that we could get an iPad Mini Pro (or iPad Pro Mini, since it can be called) with presumably better specifications and 5G network compatibility.

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