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Overwatch League's 2022 season will start on an early build of 'Overwatch 2'

Overwatch League’s 2022 season will start on an early build of ‘Overwatch 2’

Although the later season of the Overwatch League is taking place this weekend, league officials are already making plans for next year. The Vice President of the owl, Jon Spector wrote on Twitter that the current plan is to start the 2022 season in April, but there is an interesting wrinkle, since the points were reported for the first time. As things are, next season will start in an early version of Overwatch 2, the expected sequel to the current game.

“The plan at this time is that the 2022 season of the Overwatch League starts in an early compilation of Overwatch 2,” said Overwatch League spokesman. “We will have more details to share about our 2022 season as we approach the planned start date in April next year.”

Recent reports suggested that the next Owl season could not start until the autumn of 2022, in the midst of the uncertainty of the release date of OutWatch 2. However, DeXerto reported this week that Blizzard is directed to a launch window of Q2, in other words, at the moment when the next season of the owl begins, or soon after. In February, Activision Blizzard said it was unlikely to launch Overwatch 2 or Diablo 4 this year.

The arrival of Overwatch 2, which Blizzard announced in Blizzcon 2019, will spell huge changes for the ESPORT and the platform scene as a whole. All player updates against players will be reflected in the current game (OW2 will also have a great focus on the missions of cooperative history).

The sequel will announce new modes and maps, a cool game engine, more characters, a review of existing heroes and, as significantly, a change of six teams from five squads, with each side of the field on one side Instead of the current two. That will probably have an impact on the outwatch league lists for next season and beyond, with fewer places available for tank players.

In movement OWL to Overwatch 2 in this way has its pros and cons, especially since it will be an early version. However, if the latest reports of the launch timeline are accurate, however, the game will be almost ready for public consumption for that point, so, with, therefore, there will be many mistakes. In addition, Owl players will want to practice on public servants as much as possible, so there could be a Beta of Overwatch 2, at least, in April.

The plans could change and the owl could continue with the current version of Overwatch if there are important development obstacles. However, if Blizzard can get early compilation ready over time, the next season of Overwatch League could give The Publish a great opportunity to show the Overwatch 2 to the fans before the game arrives.

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